Did your district buy a math curriculum, but your students need more hands on practice instead of the provided workbook? Are you without curriculum and constantly scrambling for standards aligned activities to use every week? Do you know your students need to play, but where do you find the time in your jam packed schedule? You need printable kindergarten math games to help you solve all of these problems!

So Much To Do, So Little Time
Trust me, it is not just you! My first year in kindergarten we adopted a new math curriculum that only came with a workbook. Kindergarten math is full of counting and sorting and shapes. There are so many concepts that need hands on practice and a workbook just wasn’t going to cut it! I also didn’t have the time to keep searching for activities that supplemented the curriculum’s standards weekly. Between progress monitoring, meetings, planning, and more, searching for fun resources was happening on my own time. I knew my students deserved to learn math through play, and it shouldn’t be so hard to find!
Save Time and Play Printable Kindergarten Math Games
Kindergarten students need that hands on application to practice one to one correspondence, making groups of objects, sorting, and more. Math should be a fun subject to learn and shouldn’t be associated with just a plain workbook. Instead of having a boring math block, I started using a center model and incorporating more games for kindergarten math. This incorporated play into my classroom and the games were standards aligned to keep admin happy. The consistent format meant I could teach once and change out the standards as needed! The best part was my students thought they were “just playing.” Several days they even asked “when are we going to do math?” because they didn’t realize they were doing it!

No Prep Printable Kindergarten Math Games
I was tired of constantly searching for games and having to teach my students new centers multiple times a week. Finally, I just created my own for some consistency. I loved that I could just print and place them in page protectors and they were ready to go. Making them non-seasonally themed helped me keep them out all year. I just changed the standards or the level of difficulty as needed.
The consistent format meant my students always knew how to play the games. To keep them interesting I just added new game tokens. Some of their favorites are themed mini erasers or new mini animals! I took the time to level my printable kindergarten math games and printed them on different colored papers. This saved ink and helped make it easy for students to grab their perfect challenge. This also made these games perfect for math intervention. I had them ready when my assistant or myself needed to work with struggling students on a specific math topic and could easily implement them into my math small groups.
Play More and Help Your Students Love Math
Teaching math in a hands on way is easy with games that you can print, teach, and play. Kindergarten students love to play! It is awesome when they are having so much fun they don’t even know you are teaching them something new! Printable binder games, puzzles, and file folders continue to be ways I make math fun for my littles every day.
Try These FREE Games for Kindergarten Math Today!
Supplement your existing math curriculum or find a consistent method of math standards practice for your kindergarten students. Simply print, teach, and they are ready to play these games. Use these printable kindergarten math games and make hands on math an easy thing to implement in your kindergarten classroom today.