Hi, I'm Katie Lynne.
Are you an early childhood educator, special education teacher, or homeschool small children or those with exceptional needs?

My first year teaching I had my dream position, a self-contained classroom for students with autism!
I had a room full of elementary students with a range of abilities and was so excited to teach them but…that was literally all I had. I had students on four different grade levels, even more ability levels, but no curriculum.
How could I possibly teach all that I was supposed to and what resources could I use to track data and make sure they were growing?
I quickly started spending hours of time before and after school creating activities and centers for my students to use.
I needed them to have lots of opportunities to practice skills so they could master their IEP goals and grow towards grade level expectations.
I was thrown into a world of IEPs and realized that I needed to have multiple data points for progress reports, reevaluations and more. I was overwhelmed without a work life balance and I knew there had to be a better way.
That first year was a doozy!
I developed a full year of reading fluency, writing prompts, independent work skills file folders, and more.
I know what it’s like to show up to a room full of students and nobody else in the school really know what it’s like teaching your classroom.
I don’t want other teachers to have to go through that so I continue to develop progress monitoring activities, interventions, and more to make life simpler for early childhood special education teachers and those who teach primary grades.
With experience in both the special education teacher role as well as the regular education teacher with many students with IEPs in class, I understand what it’s like to have too much to do and not enough time.
Do you want a better work life balance, activities and interventions that work and require little prep, and to stress less about having the data you need?
I can help with that!
Join the Kinder Club!
I won’t flood your inbox, but instead share ways to differentiate easier with lesson plans and activities I have successfully used in my special education and kindergarten inclusion classroom.
Emails will be short and to the point, with information you can easily implement right away!
I love to share ways I’ve made progress monitoring and interventions easier to help struggling students grow in math, reading, and writing. And there may be some extra treats in store as well!
As a thank you for joining my newsletter, you will get a sample of my favorite intervention games.
These CCSS aligned math binder games are a simple way for you to differentiate easier!